On 23 July 2018, Mr. Nontawat Chandrtri, Consul-General of Thailand to Vancouver, delivered welcoming remarks to all participants of the Thai cooking class organized by the Royal Thai Consulate-General at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Vancouver. The class was conducted by Associate Professor Pratchya Paemongkol and Professor Kitti Yodon from the Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon (RMUTP). This year’s chosen menu was “Chor-Muang-Jeep Thai” or steamed rice dumpling with minced chicken and shrimp stuffing. In addition to various cooking techniques, the instructors also gave advices on how to select high-quality ingredients with nutritional value well as how to beautifully present Thai cuisine to all participants who were members of the Thai Community in Vancouver and nearby cities.
This project doesn’t only aim to enhance Thai food skills for members of the Thai community but also to serve as a foundation for further development of career opportunities and the promotion of Thai cuisine in Western Canada in general.